16 Aug 2012

::: Design In Progress 05:::Posh Monkey

Here is my newest project :). Posh Monkey is a Canadian company that sells antique book, maps and collectibles. Here is what have I done so far but have in mind that is a work in progress.

13 Aug 2012

Greekperience revisited

I was at a well deserved holiday in Greece. I think that is enough said :)

1 Aug 2012

Cetinje:: typographic journey

On 12th of July 2012 I was one of the commission members for MA thesis at Montenegro's Faculty of Fine Arts at Cetinje (Fakultet likovnih umetnosti na Cetinju). The candidate, graphic designer and typographer Adela Zejnilović, under the awake eyes of mentors Olivera Stojadinović and Ana Matić did a detailed analysis of Montenegrin historic scripts and reconstruction and digitalization of three typefaces: Njegoš, Oktoih and Serdar. Excellent work! 

Here are the snapshots from the gallery and thesis presentation and exam.  

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